R&D workshops in Merseyside

Join us for a series of performative experiments on March 30th and 31st 2015 taking place in two outdoor locations. Through the creation of choreographed lines, some as short as our line of people, some as long as the beach at Formby, the workshop functions as a period of research and development for  An Infinite Line: Merseyside. 

The workshop will be structured as a series of site-based interventions, exploring landscape, light, weather, tide, coastal erosion, drift and architecture as starting points. The material created during the workshop will be filmed and may be used as part of  An Infinite Line: Merseyside.

Dates: 30th & 31st March 2015

Venue: MDI Studio 24 and beyond

Maximum participants: 20

Format: A 3 hour studio based workshop / two 3 hour workshops on site / a 3 hour de-brief and feedback session.

Locations: Formby Beach & West Kirby marine lake

Cost : £60 / £50 concessions

Level of experience: professional dancer or movement artists or performers (3rd year dance / performance students will be considered)

Detailed schedule and full information available prior to the event.  Please note, this project involves outdoor work – please plan for all types of weather.

For bookings and information please contact MDI on 0151 708 8810 / bookings@mdi.org.uk / www.mdi.org.uk