The links below invite you to explore the site through artform or through subject.
When we start to make a new project, we never start with an idea about what we’re going to do, but with an idea of something we want to explore. Sometimes this is a question, sometimes it’s a problem, sometimes a place, or a material, or sometimes we have a particular audience in mind.
As we’re working with these subjects or ideas, we gradually arrive at a form that best allows us to express them. That’s why we’ve made a shop about grief, a dance about trust and a book about light.
- 1996-2001
- 2004
- 2006
- 2007 & 2011
- 2008-2015
- 2008-2017
- 2010
- 2011
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015-Present
- 2017-2020
- 2018-2021
- 2018-2022
- 2021-2024
- 2021-Present
- 2023-2024
- 2023-Present
- Accumulation
- Ageing
- Agency
- Animals
- Bedtime
- Biophilia
- Care
- Chalk
- Childhood
- Children
- Children's rights
- Cine film
- Climate crisis
- Clothing
- Community
- Companionship
- Conversation
- Curriculum
- Dance
- Darkness
- Death
- Devising
- Dogs
- Duration
- Education
- Empathy
- Environment
- Farms
- Fear
- Food
- Forests
- Fur
- Home
- Horses
- Ice
- Improvisation
- Intergenerational
- Interspecies
- Journeys
- Joy
- Laboratory
- Landscape
- Light
- Loss
- Lost
- Love
- Memory
- Moss
- Newspaper
- Night-time
- Participation
- Pinhole photography
- Place
- Play
- Politics
- Protest
- Public Art
- Rain
- Research
- Rights
- Rite of passage
- Schools
- Science
- Shop
- Skin
- Sleep
- Talking
- The Arctic
- The body
- The future
- The moon
- The sea
- Time
- Torches
- Touring
- Trust
- Walking
- Water
- Weather
- Wind
- Workshops
- X-ray crystallography