The Sky Is Filled With Thunder
Installation, Public Art, Touring, Digital ArtGuest User2022-Present, Childhood, Loss, Memory, Place, Fear, Home, Journeys, Play, Participation, Children's rights, Children, Conversation, Politics, Joy, Love, Walking
Brilliant (the film)
Film2014, Bedtime, Childhood, Darkness, Fear, Journeys, Light, Night-time, Rite of passage, Sleep, The moon, Torches
Installation, Film, Theatre, Touring2014, Animals, Biophilia, Childhood, Children, Community, Companionship, Empathy, Environment, Farms, Fear, Forests, Fur, Home, Interspecies, Journeys, Landscape, Loss, Lost, Memory, Moss, Participation, Place, Play, Rite of passage, Tails, Weather
An Open Field
It’s The Skin You’re Living In
Digital Art, Film2011-2013, Animals, Climate crisis, Environment, Farms, Fur, Home, Ice, Interspecies, Journeys, Landscape, Lost, Place, Polar bears, Politics, Protest, Skin, The body, The sea, Walking, Water, Weather, Wind, The Arctic
The Weather Factory
Installation2010, Community, Environment, Fog, Home, Journeys, Landscape, Light, Moss, Participation, Place, Rain, Walking, Water, Weather, Wind
Dance, Theatre, Touring2008-2017, Bedtime, Childhood, Darkness, Fear, Journeys, Light, Night-time, Rite of passage, Sleep, The moon, Torches
The (once in a blue moon) Ball
Installation, Theatre2003, Bedtime, Childhood, Children, Intergenerational, Ice, Joy, Journeys, Participation, Night-time, Play
Early Work
Theatre, Installation, Public Art1996-2001, Darkness, Death, Love, Memory, Clothing, Place, Laboratory, Research, Science, Environment, Duration, Loss, Ageing, Participation, Journeys, The sea, The body