Westward sea, light, movement

Tomorrow I'm heading over to Liverpool to start a series of research trips for a new version of An Infinite Line.  Made in partnership with Merseyside Dance Initiative, An Infinite Line: Merseyside will be created over the next three years, and will culminate with screenings of a participatory film project in 2016.Merseyside's light... wide sandy beaches, dune systems, the Westward sea, tides, dogwalkers, runners, ferries, travel, arrival, departure, everything moving all the time, everything moving, the landscape shifts, industry comes and goes, ships come and go, tide rises, the sun arcs across the sky, tide falls, everything moves; a light that never stays still, a landscape that never stays still; people that never stay still.Light vibrates with movement.  Merseyside is made of movement.  This is a project about that movement and that light.