We Spend More Time Together Doing Silly Things - Dongvan, 16, Berkshire


In my opinion the Coronavirus is not that dangerous but old people are different because their systems are not really good, like young people.

My advice in this situation are staying at home as much as you can eating healthier, doing some exercise so basically make you stronger to protect yourself of the virus.

The corona virus is changing the world, people are stop working, the business of the world are going down, some company are closed, some public travel -and school, college, university also GCSE exams. People start getting an online job and then they relate to the internet but more people using it make it worse.

I cannot go to school so that means I cannot improve my English. I cannot meet my friends, my teacher, no football match but that’s all the negative way. The positive is I’m getting on with my foster family very good, we spend time together more doing silly things.

I’m feeling so much sympathy for people who die of the virus.