I have endless feelings - Sorrel, 12, Brighton

sorrel, 12, Brighton.jpg

Isolation in Brighton


I don’t know how long this is going to go on for but I hate it and I love it. No friends no company. No fresh air for most of the time at the beginning of all this. I didn’t think I would ever say this ever and I don’t think my past self would ever say these words but there is too much free time. I now have to think of ways to consume time and I write lots of what I am doing. I’m doing such different things like baking and dancing, growing seeds and writing and I have endless feelings. In one day my moods go up and down like a lift. My mind is full of questions - when is this going to end? Is everyone ok? When can I see my friends? When can I go back to school? I have endless work and a timetable every day with loads of new rules. 

I hate having the same layout everyday and I need change but I also realise I need routine. There are so many things about isolation that I absolutely love. Like obviously not going to school, all the roads being empty, less cars in our road and all the time I spend cycling and skating on the seafront.

This is weird to admit but I also love the drama of it all, it feels like we’re in a film everything is so dramatic and things change every day but it’s just so different. I know that obviously it’s bad and that people are dying and the NHS and keyworkers are doing so much to prevent the virus from spreading . Anyway it’s isolation and it’s now a reality and it has its ups and downs. 

Isolation is a way to know ourselves…Franz Kafka