Responses to Men & Girls Dance Folkestone Performances


We're beginning to piece together the feedback, photos, thoughts shared at The Talking Place, and our own reflections, after a wonderful weekend of Men & Girls Dance performances in Folkestone. We were struck by the openness and willingness to share from our audience members, some of which you can read below.

"The quality of relationship between the performers was so striking - I found it provocative, so moving, funny, totally gorgeous, life enhancing and above all, authentic. It restored my faith in theatre"
- Sian Stevenson, Moving Memory

"I saw Men & Girls Dance this weekend in Folkestone, and found this unpretentious but brave work inspirational. It reminds me how great art has the power to speak to our conscious mind while tapping unconscious feelings"
- Audience member, Folkestone

"Men and Girls Dance is an interesting show that’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. It delves into a topical issue head on and challenges the audience to ask some difficult questions" 
- Molly Kersey, Kent News

You can also read a feature on Men & Girls Dance in The Guardian, written by Catherine Love here.