Production photos

We’re still in rehearsals, so And the Rain Falls Down is very much still being made. But to stand the best chance of the show being picked up and previewed by the Press we need to give them production shots… three or four photos that somehow capture the experience of the show, the excitement, the movement, the joy and naughtiness of the water…And the Rain Falls Down is a show for children, but we spend a long time trying to make sure our work doesn’t play down to, patronise or credit children with any less sophistication than an adult audience. It’s a difficult line to tread when we’re trying to create pictures that will end up being used where families will see them.So the setup shoot can be a difficult thing to manage at the best of times… but this time there was an additional complication. We only had enough water in the system to run for between 20 and 30 minutes.35 minutes into the shoot and we knew we were on borrowed time but felt like we were on the verge of getting the shots we wanted. ‘One minute left’ called Beth, our company stage manager. Already a little tired and very wet, our brilliant performers Carl and Karina threw themselves into the last  moments of the scene they were running for Keith Pattison (our equally brilliant photographer!).With a loud gurgle from the corner, our water-source dried up and Keith took a few last shots in the 1o seconds it took the pipes to empty themselves. We had to wait a whole weekend to find out what we’d got. But you can see a few here straight away.