Our Cultural Highlights, June 2018


Every week we share our cultural highlights at our team meeting, which we've enjoyed so much we'd like to share them with you. If you'd like to share your cultural highlights with us please leave a comment below, tag us on Facebook or Instagram, or use the tag #fsCultureHighlights on Twitter. We love recommendations and invitations. 

This edition is an extra long post, featuring all of our highlights from the past two weeks.

Performances & festivals


Beth’s cultural highlight was seeing These Rooms by David BolgerOwen Boss and Louise Lowe in the warren-like basement of Shoreditch Town Hall. It's a powerful multiple-room immersive performance set in Dublin in 1916 and 1966, in which dance and fragments of dialogue worked to explore how memory, narratives of trauma and individual and collective grief happen and develop and are expressed between people and across time. Sophie's highlight was the ghost train experience of Phobiarama by Dutch theatremaker Dries Verhoeven presented by LIFT.Amelia really enjoyed Timiss Festival, a hip hop dance theatre festival run by young people at Zinemma in BrusselsDavid ventured up to Pitlochry Festival Theatre and watched the lovely Carl Hawkins in Chicago and The Rise and Fall of Little Voice.  

Excursions & travel 


David and Sam have been cycling around Malmö with the seagulls and the watery light, discovering old industrial buildings reimagined as spaces for art and culture. Their big highlight was the whole experience and hospitality of the team during our auditions for girls with Skånes Dansteater, where we'll be presenting Men & Girls Dance in November. Louisa has spent the past two weekends shooting a dance film in the Lake District with choreographer, and dance in museums expert Sara Wookey and filmmaker Camilla Robinson. The film is being shot on site, at an amazing, rural museum, which is in the middle of being renovated. The film will be shown at the museum for a year, once the building has re-opened to the public. The project will formally be announced over the summer. 


Elliott visited Luiz Zerbini: Intuitive Ratio at South London Gallery and recommends the secret room upstairs filled with tropical storms! 



Amelia has been finding that graphic novels are the easiest way to read in French as a learner. "Les Culottes" by Pénélope Bagieu is an inspiring collection of stories of unsung women who've achieved amazing things, which keeps you turning the page even if you're stumbling through with Google Translate. You can read the blog here.   


Beth and Amelia were both profoundly moved by Hannah Gadsby's radical and brilliant show Nanette on Netflix which explores sexuality, gender and trauma through comedy.