Opening up grief


Because we've begun to ask questions, invite conversation, meet 'experts', talk to eachother, to read and to fold and to mark pages, then the project has already begun. Here it is. Let's bring grief into our lives, let's remember who might be living with grief, let's not be afraid to ask what this day brings in the light of someone's death, be it yesterday, last week, or last century.I'd like to be able to refer to the dead person unclumsily, and without fear of causing further pain to the griever. I want to acknowledge the monumental shift in the universe of the person grieving who, none the less, is still performing the tasks of the everyday, the before.I/we need to get better at this.We start with some reading:The Smell of Rain On Dust - Martin Prechtel, Falling Out of Time - David GrossmanandMourning Diary - Roland Barthes: 

 "The comfort of Sunday morning. Alone. First Sunday morning without her. I undergo the week's daily cycle. I confront the long series of times without her."

   We'll let you know what else we learn.