On Making a Film of Brilliant



We're just back from Taiwan, where Brilliant was part of the Taipei Children's Arts Festival.  Wonderful to see a whole new and different group of children responding to the work.  Now that we're back on home soil, we set off on the next Brilliant adventure, which is to turn the piece into a film.For the last few months we've been working with a film producer and a cinematographer to work out how to adapt an incredibly theatrical live experience onto film, for watching on a screen, and tomorrow we start to put those ideas into practice.  Exciting times.The thing that's driven the whole process is the idea of making a screen-based project for children which is as abstract, beautiful, poetic, and strange as we hope our performance work is.  Children's lives are increasingly filled with screen images, often in a barrage of colour and chaos and sound.  Brilliant on film will offer darkness, stillness, contemplation and deep emotions, as well as some mischievous playing with light.  We know that children engage with it deeply when they see it live.  We look forward to discovering if we can succeed in translating that experience to film.Watch this space...