Men & Girls Dance Reviews Round Up


We are delighted by the overwhelmingly positive response Men & Dance received at The Place, London. We've compiled a round up of some of the reviews so far:

“In a time of ever-increasing suspicion and abuse a theatrical undertaking such as this is challenging taboos. Fevered Sleep’s quietly radical, hour-long effort wears its importance with a creditable lightness and grace. It’s meaningful and fun.”
★★★★ The Times

Men and Girls Dance is brave and exquisitely beautifulThe Guardian

“direct and vital"
★★★★ The Stage

"The work is a touching and joyful demonstration of optimism about us humans in an increasingly bleak age."
★★★★ Dance Tabs

"‘A unique, timely and unforgettable dance work that will make you laugh, cry and think... Unmissable"
★★★★★ Everything Theatre

"Believe the hype. Men & Girls Dance is exactly what the world needs right now...This is gold dust."
★★★★★ Bachtrack

"It is astonishing, how radical it feels to watch"
★★★★ London Theatre 1