Men & Girls Dance R&D



Last week we were in residence at The Point in Eastleigh, exploring ideas for a new project we'll be making in 2015.  Men & Girls Dance is exactly what it says it is:  a dance performed by men (a group of professional male contemporary dancers) and by girls (a group of girls who dance for fun).  We are interested in bringing together very different kinds of people, who have very different ideas about what it means to dance and to "be a dancer". We're interested in working with professionals and non-professionals.  We're interested in working with adults and children.  We're interested in making something that celebrates all that is playful, poetic, and unexpected in the relationships between men and girls.We find when we use that phrase - "the relationships between men and girls" - that people have a reaction.  That's the other reason we're making this project, because of that reaction.We're planning more R&D over the coming 18 months, and we'll be touring the piece in 2015, working with groups of girls across the UK (and maybe beyond) who will join the touring company in each place we present the show.Watch this space for more updates as the piece develops... See photos from the R&D on the Men & Girls Dance project page here.