Men & Girls Dance in Sweden


We're thrilled to be presenting Men & Girls Dance, our project celebrating the rights of adults and children to be together, to play together and to dance together, at Skånes Dansteater in Malmö, Sweden.

It will appear as part of their conference Dance and People Talk, with performances on:

Thursday Nov 1 at 7pm

Saturday Nov 3 at 6pm (there will also be a workshop on this date from 10am-1pm)

Sunday Nov 4 at 4pm

We're also very pleased to welcome three new men to the company; Akshay Sharma, Bakani Pickup, and Luke Divall, and nine brilliant new girls from Malmö. 

If you would like to contribute to the Swedish edition of the Men & Girls Dance newspaper, please email to find out more. 

For more information and to book tickets please click here