Men & Girls Dance Auditions - Quarterhouse, Folkestone


Men & Girls Dance brings together two very different groups of performers: men who dance professionally and girls from Folkestone who dance for fun. Our company of 9 girls will be chosen through fun and informal open workshop auditions, this Saturday 6th February at Quarterhouse.

During the workshops, girls will take part in games and improvisations similar to those we use in rehearsals, led by Fevered Sleep’s Artistic Directors Sam Butler and David Harradine. We are looking for girls who are enthusiastic and love dancing for fun. No formal dance experience is necessary, we’ll choose the girls as much as who they are as people, physically, intellectually and emotionally, as well as on their levels of dance skill.

At times playful, at times provocative, Men & Girls Dance celebrates the rights of adults and children to be together, to play together and to dance together. It’s a joyful celebration of tenderness, empathy, and love.