Men & Girls Dance Auditions London, February 2019


Do you know a girl aged 8-11 who loves dancing and would like to take part in a show with professional performers in April 2019?

Fevered Sleep are looking for girls aged 8-11 to take part in our show Men & Girls Dance.We'll be holding a series of fun and free audition workshops on February 9th & 10th at The Place in London.

They'll be run by our Artistic Directors Samantha Butler and David Harradine and one dancer from the male performing company. During the workshops, the girls will take part in games and improvisations similar to those used in rehearsals.

We are looking for girls who are enthusiastic and love dancing for fun. No formal dance experience is necessary, only commitment and a sense of adventure. After the workshop, we will choose a company of 9 girls to rehearse and perform in Men & Girls Dance at The Place in April 2019.

The deadline for applications is Thursday 31st January 2019 at 6pm.Booking is required, for more information and to reserve a place please click here