How to tour a Forest

If you come and see The Forest, you’ll see a great big set made of gold metal and mirrors and real trees: eleven real trees on stage and even more dotted amongst the audience.It was once described as a “set that would be at home in Tate Modern”, which made us happy, but whereas the artworks installed at the Tate can take many days to put in the space, and usually stay there for many months, our set has to go in a van every week and be driven to the next venue.Many people who come see our shows think that they’re one offs, because it doesn’t seem possible to get a great big set made of gold metal and mirrors and lots of real trees (and hundreds of light bulbs and thousands of conkers and piles of leaves) into the back of a van and send it up the M1.But we make this happen, because we want the children (and you grown ups) who come and see the show to see something special, and something which we think is very beautiful.Because we think you’re worth it!