Finding the right type for And the Rain Falls Down

We’ve just signed off the marketing materials for And the Rain Falls Down. Flyers and posters are making their way to our partner venues as I type and I’m trying to avoid spotting the inevitable typo now it’s too late to do anything about it!Finding the right image and design to help market a show is something Fevered Sleep take a lot of care over. We want the publicity around our shows to be appealing to adults and children alike, and everything we’ve learnt from working with children shows us they’re notjust interested in pictures that involve lots of colour.Rain and water were obvious starting points for And the Rain Falls Down. After an initial meeting, our designers Leopold sent through 4 or 5 pages of ideas for graphics and images. The one that stood out was a graphic called Rainy Day, where water had made its way onto a page of type and smudged and blurred the text. Sophisticated yet simple and very playful, it felt perfect for the show.It turns out, no matter how advanced the technology, recreating water smudges on a computer is pretty difficult! I’m not sure how many versions we sent back to Nigel and the team (sorry Nigel!) – each time we got a little  closer, but the effect wasn’t realistic enough. The audience get real water in the show… why should we settle for anything less in the marketing?In the end, the blurring and smudging in our final artwork is down to simple ink and water. Time consuming, a little old-fashioned, but brilliant. We hope you like it as much as we do. The proof will be in whether it helps encourage you to come and see the show.