Fevered Sleep at Theatre Craft 2017


Next Friday 3 November our General Manager Emily Jameson will be representing Fevered Sleep at Theatre Craft, the biggest non-performance careers event for the theatre and performing arts industry at the Waldorf Hilton Hotel in London.

It's free to attend for 16-25 year olds, and includes a marketplace (which is where you'll find Emily), interactive workshops, one-to-one careers advice and networking opportunities.

We'll be announcing two exciting opportunities to work with Fevered Sleep early next week, so this will be one of a couple of chances to find out more about the roles and to meet us in person. If you are or you know of a young person looking to break in to the arts, we'll be there all day amongst other organisations such as The Roundhouse, The Young Vic, The National Theatre and more. We hope to see you there...To book click here.