Feeling Little in the Big Universe

It's my favourite time to work:  just after midnight, on the cusp of summer, the windows open, cool air coming in, and the thick, strange silence of the night.  I'm editing the videos of all the R&D for Little Universe.  Outside, the sky is perfectly clear, still, black, studded with infinite pricks of light.  I'm feeling very small, beneath a very very big, very distant, very beautiful, very dark sky.  A little point of life in the great expanse of the universe.We were talking about being a little person in the great big chaos of an arts festival.We were talking with a particle physicist at the Science Museum.  Spheres and orbiting and filaments and symmetry and mirrored images and the bigness of the big bang - a flash of light.We were talking about dancing on green, green grass.We were talking about beauty.We were talking about the ways in which the biggest things in the universe and the smallest things in the universe do the same things.We were talking about what we would like to see if we were five or four or three and we were standing in a park looking at four dancers and a field of mirrored spheres.We were talking about the sound of the universe (but not the sound of "outer space").We were talking about being a little person in the great big chaos of an arts festival.We were talking about Little Universe.