Dusk: early beginnings


Kicking off our research and development with children for The Core at Corby Cube. We visited Rockingham Primary School where we met and imagined and played with 2 school classes and one from the local nursery too!After a wild, imaginative warm up we released some animals into the hall (plastic ones), and choosing one each they took their special ‘beast’ on a long adventure over land and sea, describing where they were going, what they could see, why they liked these places. In our film for Dusk we are writing the story of our creature’s journey so we hope this exercise will help us choose the landscapes and settings for the journey. Some great ideas from these children – beaches were popular, caves and forests too, and interestingly a strong pull towards mountains from a number of them due to a strong Scottish heritage in this part of the world.“If your beast can visit just 5 places in the world where would you want them to go?”What a spirited bunch, we had great fun and learned so much in just one day. That’s the beauty of working with potential audience members at the early stages of making. You may set out along one path but they can often lead you to a better one.