Stop Predicting The Future - Claudia, 17, Barcelona

Claudia, 17, Barcelona.jpg

I find it difficult to find a word to describe the situation.


First thing that springs to mind is chaotic, even though there are many more descriptive adjectives that would fit better. 

I have come to a point where I sometimes forget why and how we got where we are now. 

It has been ephemeral and baffling, to such a point that many of us are still processing the panorama. Birds must be going crazy thinking “where did all the humans go?” Or even the trees might be grateful to breathe fresh air for once. 

Some minutes ago, I was playing “Let her go” on my ukulele and as I was reading the lyrics, I realized something. The whole song talks about the value of things; we know we have to appreciate them but it’s not until the moment we lose them that we open our eyes to what we had in front of us. 

Why don’t we take this situation as a life lesson? 

Why don’t we take a minute to appreciate the little things in life and be thankful fo them?

This is a sign for all of us. 

What really matters in life is right in front of is, can’t you see it?

Stop predicting the future, because the future is unpredictable.

Hug, kiss and love; Everyday of your life.