He is busy killing everyone he passes by - Tymichia K, 13, Loxton, South Africa

Tymichia K.jpg

Hallo, die is my masker wat ek

nou vir my maak.

Die masker maak ek vir die

koronavirus, want hy is besig

om almal dood te maak by wie hy


En soos julle sien hier op die

masker staan: ‘Gaan Weg!’

Die koronavirus maak almal siek

en hy maak vir my siek.

Hello, this is my mask that I make

for myself now.

I make the mask for the

coronavirus, because he is busy

killing everyone he passes by.

The masks says GO AWAY

The coronavirus makes everyone

sick and he makes me sick.


Many thanks to the team at LoxKuns for their support in connecting us with children from Loxton. LoxKuns are CPP students from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama supported by Erica and Kat.